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The Artists of Scottsdale Ranch and our neighboring communities are diverse and unique. Each artist tells a story through their art, whether love of nature, people, places and things, experiences, new and different techniques and materials or just plain whimsy, you are sure to be awed and delighted.  The 2024 show will feature the artists shown below. We look forward to seeing you at the show!

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Judith Bloom
Acrylics, Director ASR Art Show

Judi spent 35 years in the cosmetic industry, the last 20 of which was leading a Special Events program for an International Beauty Brand. In her position she lead teams of women, empowering them to reach and break sales quotas while bringing out their inner and outer beauty. 


Following retirement she moved with her husband to Arizona and was ready and excited to try something new.  She attended a wine and painting party and that unlocked a hidden talent that she never knew she had and she was immediately hooked!


She found her niche painting women and now has expanded to abstract landscapes, florals, bears and many commisssioned pieces.  Most recently one of her paintings was selected to be featured in a book of Poetry and Art "Living Large" and also the featured artist in Trends Magazines 40th Anniversary edition. She loves what she does and her passion for life is clearly seen in her work!  Judi hopes you enjoy viewing her art as much as she does painting her creations.

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Julieta Hughes
Charcoal & Acrylics on Canvas

Julieta Hughes is an Argentinean born, self-taught artist who knew her calling in life was the arts from the time she was three years old, when she had to stay home for a month due to chickenpox. She picked up a pencil and the rest is history. Her main passion is drawing portraits, combining the realism of charcoal and pencil with abstract color splashes through acrylic paint. Currently, Julieta does commission work, teaches through her social media, website, and in-person classes, and is developing an art device to assist portrait drawing, especially for beginners.

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Chey Loraine

Chey Loraine is an American artist born in California, raised in Oregon and transplanted to Arizona. Living in the desert leaves her longing for the ocean beaches she grew up with which is reflected in her art. Her muse can be described as both the dreamy waters of the Pacific Ocean and the rainy days of the Pacific Northwest. Chey’s original works of art range from small to large acrylic on canvas. Her pieces are typically rich in texture as she believes every bump and crevice tells a story. She’s an abstract artist who also enjoys transforming her art into inspirational prints and messages.

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Deborah Bauer

Deborah is a ceramic artist living and working in Phoenix and Prescott, Arizona. She has a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Art with a specialization in Graphic Design, and graduate degrees in both Education and English. Besides ceramics, Deborah also paints using watercolors. She has studied ceramics as an undergraduate art student, and most recently at the Mesa Art Center. She is a member of the Arizona Clay Association. Deborah draws on her background in design to create floral and graphic patterns using underglaze in mono-printing techniques and sgraffito. The result is both ornamental and fully functional for everyday use. Each piece is hand-built, one-of a-kind, and dishwasher and microwave safe.

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Fiber Art
Barbara Janson
Fiber Art

The complexity and beauty of Barbara’s work reflects the essence of her heart and heritage. Raised in Minnesota, Barb inherited a love of the outdoors from her father and sewing skills from her mother, a professional seamstress. As an award-winning fiber artist and competitive quilter, Barb applies the rules of good design and the painterly skills she learned while earning her Bachelors of Fine Arts to her favorite hard-edge medium- Fabric. 

Inspired by nature and history, Barb Janson’s original impressionistic landscapes are created using bits of appliquéd batiks and other materials, occasionally enhanced with machine and hand embroidery, thread play, thread painting and ink.

Barb’s quilted landscapes from a painter’s perspective, often reflect the north woods of her childhood, the European countryside of her ancestors, and the beauty of her beloved Sonoran desert and her Arizona home. 

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Lois Wendling
Fiber Art

Using my creativity with Textile Art quilts has been one of my most satisfying ventures ever undertaken. I enjoy designing and creating new pieces of art in the form of Textile Art in my studio and am always learning new techniques. My inspiration comes from nature. Working with all the colors of the rainbow and the different designs of fabric soothes my mind and soul. I have found nothing compares to losing myself in creating new Textile Art pieces. I have had numerous pieces juried into Art Gallery’s locally as well as  across the country.

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Glass Art
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Jackie Cohen
Glass Art

Translating the World into Glass


Color. Vibrancy. Bold design. Translating the world into glass ignites my soul and fuels my spirit. Whether it’s a crimson sunset, the cover of Vogue, or a fresh sprig of mint in a celebratory Mojito, my passion is in transforming everyday objects into innovative glass designs through sensory observation, imagination and meticulous technique.


“I’ve played in many visual media.  Fused glass is the single art form that allows me unbridled creative expression.”

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Jewelry & Accessories
Carol Tenwalde
Statement Jewelry - Twisted Sister

My Dad always said, "When life throws you a curveball you just have to learn to hit them!" 7 years ago a medical accident rendered my hubby a shut in for 8 months. As his caregiver, I needed something to fill my hours. I had boxes and boxes of beads from a previous hobby, so I decided to make and sell handmade jewelry. Jewelry is a very crowded field and I wanted to be unique to set me apart. After much trial and error, I developed a wire wrapping technique I call The Twisted Sister. The wire wrapping and twisting makes a very unique structural statement piece that lies flat on your neck and is virtually weightless. If you love getting tons of compliments on your jewelry then The Twisted Sister is made for YOU! With repurposing and recycling trending, I also have a beautiful, colorful line of fiber jewelry that is made from recycled India saris that I buy from a Fair-Trade Organization and I am very proud to support them. These bright, cheery pieces are all one-of-a-kind originals and because they are made from silk are also weightless.

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Mixed Media
Jim Rapisarda
Metal Artist

Painting is a talent that I discovered later in life. With no formal training, my art has taken many different directions through the years. Much of my early work was reflective of life on Long Island, NY, where I grew up with my family. Seascapes on stone and driftwood provided a variety of interpretive expressions using oils and acrylics. After moving to Arizona in 1981, this new environment led me to a new direction in my artwork and the mediums that I could use. The use of copper has enabled me to capture desert landscapes and mountains in a unique and often abstract way. Using techniques that were developed for painting on stone, has enabled me to embellish copper in a way that is most interesting and exciting. Copper is a unique painting medium. In addition to its daily use in construction and technology, copper has properties that provide the artist an opportunity use it in a variety of ways. Life, as in art, presents us with a new view of reality each day. That change in perspective has helped me create new and exciting approaches to use a variety of techniques in new and exciting works.

Leslie Kiefus
Ceramic Sculpture

I am inspired by the feel and shape of objects: textiles, tapestries, textured surfaces, sculpture, sand, and especially perfectly smooth pebbles.  My creations started in grade school with sewing just because the fabrics were beautiful, transitioned to paper mache because the materials were readily available, but since taking a 2010 handbuilding class, I’ve been enamoured with clay. Clay is a wonderful medium: forgiving, therapeutic, and magically transformed by heat and glaze.  For me, sculpting bypasses any purposeful thinking.  I visualize a shape, and minutes or hours or days later that shape has manifested in clay; it’s directly eyes to fingers, and it’s magic.  Daydreaming is a key part of the process. Each of my wall pieces is comprised of several parts, and final assembly is often challenging. The entire process, from working with raw clay to installing finished pieces in customers’ homes, is totally fulfilling and more than a bit addictive!  

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Mimi Damrauer
Mixed Media | Painting + Paper + Drawing + Stitching

Mimi combines painting, stitching, drawing & collage to create, modern, one-of-a-kind artworks for wall decor.Mimi Designs Home Decor includes interior wall art, decorative pillows, originally designed baby blankets and kid´s wall art. Mimi creates customized bodies of work for corporate and residential interiors.  You can purchase her work on her website or at her Phoenix art studio by appointment only.  She can also be seen at fine art festivals throughout the country. A collaboration with retailer Crate and Barrel resulted in the fall 2008 debut of the best-selling "Sebastian" rug at Crate and Barrel retail stores nationwide and internationally via the Crate and Barrel website.

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Judith Rothenstein-Putzer
Mixed Media

A Photographer’s Eye With An Artist’s Vision

Scottsdale artist Judith Rothenstein-Putzer has been putting a new spin on her love of photography by creating Alcohol Transfers with Pen and Ink.  The mixed media technique she uses is a hybrid between printmaking and photography.  The process involves printing an original photograph onto a transparency which is then transferred on to printmaking paper soaked in an alcohol-based solution.  Depending upon the concentration of alcohol and the type of printmaking paper, the results vary from the softness of watercolor to the boldness of acrylics.  When the transfer is completed, Rothenstein-Putzer enhances the negative space with pen and ink thereby creating dynamic linear and color effects in the artworks.  “Sometimes I take pleasure in capturing the moment for its form or color. Other times, I try to expand the boundaries of reality.” 

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Kathy Samuels
Mosaic Pots

Kathy is a former High School teacher who fulfilled her lifelong dream of raising two boys. She began the art of mosaic in 1998 when a colleague invited several teachers to learn how to create stained glass windows and to mosaic terra cotta pots. Creating inventive patterns using clay tiles, sea glass, pottery, china, etc.  She began designing pots to be sold at charity auctions.  Mexican tile is her preferred resource as the colors and patterns speak to her on her most creative level.  Many friends and colleagues have plants potted in their yards and businesses that she has created, a most gratifying sight to see for Kathy!

Marie Picchiotti
Mosaic Art

Mosaic art is one of the oldest and most beautiful forms of art in the history of mankind. Dating back about 4,000 years.

My love and appreciation for mosaic art started 10 years ago with a visit to New Mexico.  Every single little shop had colorful crosses made of mosaic glass and ceramic tile. I decided to create one myself when I returned home. I was hooked! 

 Glass mosaic is a medium that takes a lot of time and effort to create a single piece. It is forgiving, yet stubborn. Fragile, yet permanent. My subject matter continues to be inspired by the southwest. I’m also inspired by the shapes, textures and colors of the actual sheets of glass that I use. Sometimes a single sheet of marbled glass can lead me down a path that inspires my next design.

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Oil Painting
Marj Mackenzie
Oil Painting, Brush & Palette Knife

Since childhood Marj has always enjoyed the gifts Mother Nature has to offer--the sparkle in a rock, the roughness of tree bark, the cool feeling when clouds begin to gather for a thunderstorm. This was especially heightened when her mother bought a pallet knife painting. “Don't touch” became an invitation to explore those wonderful textures. As an adventurer who loves to travel, the oh-so-many photos Marj takes become the inspiration for her work, paintings she hopes will bring the viewer a new and fresh perspective. As an educator in grades 4th through 6th she had the privilege to teach more than the 3 Rs. It was an opportunity to teach students to see more, to discover more in the world around them. After retirement Marj began to dabble in the arts and ultimately found that painting in oils was her favorite.

Pastels & Charoals
Kristin Ryan

I began my career as an artist on Thanksgiving Day of 2017 camping at Joshua Tree National Park. On a whim, I decided to take paints and canvases on the trip. Four of us sat outside and painted plein air for 90 minutes and nobody spoke. I nearly jumped out of my skin when the first person spoke! I was hooked!! The only other activity that has ever absorbed me so completely is scuba diving. I started painting acrylic landscapes, but was quickly introduced to reductive pastel at a 3 day art workshop in Oregon with Carrie Moore. I love using my hands rather than paint brushes and have been primarily a pastel artist ever since. I am an avid mountain biker and hiker, so I am frequently stopped in my tracks (literally) because of the beauty surrounding me. I can't wait to present the scene in some artistic fashion! I take the reference photographs for 95% of my pieces. My focus is entirely on the process. I feel art in my soul every time I pick up my chalks. I am in love with every piece I create due to the experience I had creating it! Creating art has given me peace and freedom that I never had before.


Pen & Ink
Richard Bauer
Pen & Ink

Richard J. Bauer is a life-long artist, holding both Bachelor's Degree and a Master's Degree in Art. He is now retired after a twenty-five year career working in museums as a curator, conservator, and photographer. Richard has lived in Arizona for the past thirty-one years and divides his time between Phoenix and Prescott. Richard has consistently worked in a variety of artistic media including drawing. This body of work is from an on-going series of plein-air pen and ink drawings of Arizona landscapes and limited edition prints derived directly from those drawings. Over his fifty year art career, his work is represented throughout the United States in private, corporate and museum collections, as well as being exhibited in solo and group gallery exhibitions and art festivals throughout Arizona and California.

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Mary Boehm

The inspiration for Mary Boehm’s watercolor paintings is drawn from her love of travel and nature.  Her interest in architectural details and the strong expressions of color and texture in her paintings were honed during her years in the School of Design, Architecture and Art at the University of Cincinnati, where she received her BS degree in Interior Design in 1967.  Her love of nature began as a child while taking walks with her Aunt to pick wildflowers and the feeling of peace that she experienced when communing with nature in the woods on the family farm.  The depth and breadth of Mary’s life experiences and travel are apparent in her paintings…and, the meticulous details in her paintings instill in the viewer a sense of a personal relationship with Mary’s artistic expressions. Mary’s painting has evolved to include the luminous colors of springtime in the desert, the depth of the colors in the mountains and the brilliant colors of Arizona’s spectacular sunsets and blue skies.  How Arizona’s pure, desert light plays upon the natural landscape, and how light and shadow play upon architectural elements, become a dance that brings life to her paintings. The pleasure that Mary experiences in travel and nature is ever present in her paintings.

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Judy Nelson

I didn't start painting until the ripe old age of 60 years. I had no training but a challenge from a younger sister was bm one I couldn’t resist. Living in Minnesota and Door Co, WI there were plenty of “arti” opportunities to explore, and one day I just said “Today is the day” and signed up for a beginning watercolor class at the local art school and there you have it, an immediate love! Since then I’ve tried many mediums watercolor being my primary one but love to try many others. It’s never boring and the world is so full of fun and beauty that you never run out of ideas or things to paint. This art show has been great fun and a super outlet for something that started out as a hobby but has turned into a real passion. Enjoy the show this year! Many new things to bring a smile to the day!

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Carolyn Wheelock

Carolyn had always “dabbled” in painting, but it wasn’t until her husband’s job was transferred from the Bay Area to Phoenix that she seriously invested herself in art.  Now she pursues painting in water media - transparent watercolor and in acrylics with a watercolor feel.  Carolyn’s style is representational but not overly illustrated.  She calls her compositions “intimate landscapes” – including such things as patio gates, interesting architectural features, and subjects from plein air outings. At the 2024 ASR Show she is presenting some of her recent watercolor and acrylic paintings.

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Visit our annual indoor art show located on beautiful Lake Serena at Scottsdale Ranch. Meet and talk with the local artists. Get a signed original.​ Purchase a unique piece of art for your home, as a gift or just because! Participate in the Silent Auction benefiting local charities.

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